And will probably fold like a cheap tent/Soporno workshop within a year:
1. Too predictable. He will talk about a story, make the same joke time and time again, play the same boring sound bits and completely over do it time and time again "Pfff ok enough of that"
2. Is a terrible interviewer and talks way too fast. It's extremely difficult to understand him when he interviews you and you have to match his energy level or he gets jittery
3. Cuts people off WAY too much. He ALWAYS does this to his brother, did it to Hemme and to the original Sin:
Barry: "So Bruce, what is the Bilderberg Group"
Bruce "Well, it's .."
Bruce: "It's..."
Barry: "I dont understand what do they do"?
Just let them talk!
4. His funny parts are too much for "insiders" who have been around the seduction community for too long
...As the squelches would have echo'd throughout Mels, you should have kept pounding my cold dead body while holding solid eye contact with the staff. As long as you would have stayed congruent, this would have helped to build you're overall value in the venue. However, if things would have started to get a little weird, you have repeatedly shouted "MOMMY" using strong vocal projection to pump you're state, this would have bought you multiple IOIs from any onlookers.
yeah too many community insider jokes and also too many hate and racist jokes and he can never become a big mainstream success with any of those, he'll forever be some fringe underground wanna be comedian. i don't feel sorry for him because i think he's a loser by choice and therefore he should live with the results of his choice.
Barry is delusional. He's always talking about/rationalizing how great his decisions are.
He used to talk about how much better his website was than Thundercat's. I'm not sticking up for TC, but he probably made 100x more cash than Barry with a lot less work. Barry's podcast/website is a complete failure for producing income.
Shutting down the forums. Here Barry had Gunwitch, Janene, Dare, and fans taking care of his forums. Barry didn't have to do shit, all he had to do was add some filters to block out racials slurs. Also forums produce a ton of free content for google. So his website grows and so does his authority.
Barry is marketing to a very small niche. And he only has one product to sell, himself. He's already dropped the price of his on-demand. Why the fuck would anyone spend $100 for a year, when you could spend $12 to download everything at once?